5 Ways to Personalise Your Wedding Ceremony

5 Ways to Personalise Your Wedding Ceremony

Malvern, with its rolling hills, picturesque landscapes, and rich history, offers a stunning backdrop for your dream wedding. But what truly elevates a wedding from beautiful to unforgettable is the personal touch. Here at Mount Pleasant Hotel, we understand the...
How To Create a Memorable Conference Experience

How To Create a Memorable Conference Experience

Conferences – sometimes viewed as necessary evils, sometimes as exciting learning opportunities. But what makes a memorable conference? How do you transform a gathering from forgettable presentations and lukewarm coffee to a vibrant hub of knowledge and connection?...
The Malvern Theatre: Past & Present

The Malvern Theatre: Past & Present

  Tucked away in the heart of Worcestershire lies the beloved Malvern Theatre, a place where stories have been told, laughter roared and emotions soared for many decades. Its story weaves through the town’s history, embodying the spirit of entertainment,...